Friday, August 29, 2008

Adoption Disruption featured on 20/20 - September 5, 2008

I received this in an email from Joyce Sterkel, who is the manager of The Ranch for Kids, a Montana program that offers respite and adoption services for children who have experienced adoption disruptions.

"ABC's 20/20 will air a program about adoption disruption on Sept. 5th 2008. This program was filmed in part at The Ranch For Kids. They rescheduled us from the original date in July so as to avoid the Olympics and political conventions. There will be a follow-up segment on Nightline with my adult son Sasha who was adopted from a disruption at age 14.
Please give us and ABC any feed back after you see the program.
We are hoping for the best and that it will draw awareness to the growing problems for families with international adoptees.
We look forward to hearing back from you.
Our best wishes and thanks for continued support of our efforts with families and children in crisis."
The note was signed by Joyce Sterkel, Director & Bill Sutley Ranch Manager

I know I'll be watching.

Check your local television listings for time.


Amyadoptee said...

I had heard that they have worked with A Child's Waiting. Do they still do?

Christie M said...

I just came across your blog by looking up adoption disruption.

I am seeing too many disruptions and it is heart breaking.

We have 7 children ages 30 down to 9.
Our youngest 3, two girls 10 and a girl 9 are all "older child" adoptions.
One is from the foster care system, 1 is from Disruption, originally from Ukraine, and the other is her friend she left behind and Ukraine that we went and got after she told us all about how much she missed her.
We do have a blog you are welcome to visit anytime. I did write an article on the 20 20 ranch adoption show. (I have emailed back and forth with a couple of people involved with a specific child in that show)
Any hoo, I'll check this blog now and then. :

Ours is